

29 Dec 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

Install PhalconPHP on cPanel EasyApache4

This guide will take you through the installation of PhalconPHP Extension for PHP 7.0 on cPanel using EasyApache4. As of 29th December 2016, Phalcon installation is not supported by EasyApache3 and EasyApache4 by cPanel. However, in this tutorial, we will be installing the extension for PHP 7.0 using the source on github. # Clone the GIT […]

25 Nov 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

Reinstall OS in VPS using SolusVM Panel

Following steps will help you in 1 click reinstallation of OS for your Virtual Private Server using your SolusVM Panel : Login into your SolusVM panel. For BaseZap users, please goto and use your id and password. Click on Manage server against the VPS for which you need to reinstall the Operating System 3. Click […]

23 Nov 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

.git changing file permission issue [Solved]

Many a times users run into the issue of .git changing their file permission on doing ‘git pull’ on server/remote machine. This causes issue with the writable group permission and might even give you Server Internal Error 500. 1) In case you want your GIT not to track the file permission changes, run the following command […]

21 Nov 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

Creating a subdomain

Creating a subdomain   Difficulty Level : Easy Time Required : 10 min   A subdomain is an internet domain which is a part of a primary domain.  For example, is a primary domain and is a subdomain. While creating a subdomain in cPanel, the following details are required: Name of the subdomain […]

21 Nov 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

Setting time zone in the server via WHM

To change your server’s time zone settings to reflect your timezone follow the below mentioned steps. Note that you must have root access to change the time zone on the server. Step 1: Log into WHM as root. Step 2: After logging in to WHM, go to “”Server Configuration” from the main menu. Step 3: After that […]

20 Nov 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

How to verify VPS provided is on SSD drive or not?

This is a simple 2 command tutorial to find our if your VPS is on SSD drive or a normal SATA drive. Also, it will help you comparing the disk speed of different VPSes Since VPS runs on its own environment and doesn’t have all the permission to run commands which can be used only […]

26 Sep 2016
ColorHosting Deepak

How to Update cPanel License Key / Run License Script

If you have upgraded cPanel from a trial license or switched IP address then you need to update cPanel license. Firstly, we need to check if your server/VPS IP has valid cPanel License. Go to URL in the web browser. Enter your Server IP in the text box and press Verify License button. If […]

14 Mar 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

How to create a CSR and install a SSL Certificate in WHM

    In public key infrastructure (PKI) systems, a certificate signing request (also CSR or certification request) is a message sent from an applicant to a certificate authority in order to apply for a digital identity certificate. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data […]

14 Mar 2016
ColorHosting Deepak

Fix: Remote Host Identification has changed

WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @     WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!        @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that a host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for […]

04 Mar 2016
ColorHosting BaseZap

Creating a subdomain in cPanel

    Difficulty Level : Easy Time Required : 10 min   A subdomain is an internet domain which is a part of a primary domain.  For example, is a primary domain and is a subdomain. While creating a subdomain in cPanel, the following details are required: Name of the subdomain The domain […]


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