In case you receive the following error while doing the git pull on the server : error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: filename.extension Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting There can be a possibility that you haven’t done any changes in the file […]
Hello, Today we will guide you how to setup git repository for code that can be new or existing code locally. Steps to perform the task are easy and requires no coding knowledge. To setup git repository we only need necessary things. Requirements – git installed on your PC or Server. Get here – Internet […]
This guide will take you through the installation of PhalconPHP Extension for PHP 7.0 on cPanel using EasyApache4. As of 29th December 2016, Phalcon installation is not supported by EasyApache3 and EasyApache4 by cPanel. However, in this tutorial, we will be installing the extension for PHP 7.0 using the source on github. # Clone the GIT […]
Many a times users run into the issue of .git changing their file permission on doing ‘git pull’ on server/remote machine. This causes issue with the writable group permission and might even give you Server Internal Error 500. 1) In case you want your GIT not to track the file permission changes, run the following command […]
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