WordPress Redirect Vulnerability in Feedify
This is notify to all users who are using Feedify for their push notification service that their website is infected. Feedify is hacked !
Feedify’s one of the CDN url is infected and has a redirect code to a website cointiply.com (this might be a false/scam website, be cautious)
Proof – http://prntscr.com/18byhqd
Affected URL – https://cdn.feedify.net/getjs/feedbackembad-min-3.0.js
All the website using Feedify.net service should immediately remove their Javascript integration code until they do a proper fix along with it’s detailed explanation.
We happen to figure this issue after one of our clients approached our support team of his website being hacked and getting redirected to a 3rd party URL. Our team quickly intervened and in initial investigation found out that the redirection is happening due to feedify service which the website was using and further we helped the client’s website in restoring to its original state.
If you know a friend or colleague who is using this push notification on their site, we highly recommend forwarding this information to them to help keep their sites protected and safeguard for this ongoing hack.
For any queries or web hosting requirement, you may reach to us at support[at]basezap.com