Show Hidden dotfiles and folders in cPanel Filemanager

Category : cPanel/WHM

cPanel works on a Linux Server and dotfiles and folders are hidden. For some reason you want to see those files and also want to make changes. By default, these files and directories/folders are not visible in the cPanel. Today we will show you how you can show the hidden files and folders in your cPanel Account file manager permanently.

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Open cPanel’s File Manager.
  3. Find Settings on the Top right bar
    cpanel file manager settings
  4. Popup will show up where you need to check the box with option “Show Hidden Files” and click Save Button.
    settings popup window
  5. After clicking Save button you should be able to see dotfiles and dot folders if any in the current directory.
    dot folders dot files

All done, refresh your files/folder in filemanager and now onwards you will be always able to see dot files.

The most common needed file being .htaccess 🙂