Log File Locations in DirectAdmin
Error Logs comes in handy to figure out the problem on your WordPress website. Users can find out what is the reason behind the downtime on the website. In order to investigate the issues, we need to know the location of log files. In this guide, we are going to discover the Log File Locations in DirectAdmin.
Default log files in DirectAdmin:
Contains information related to secure login logs, audit logs etc.
Apache log files :
Through these apache log files, we can find out the problems with the apache server, syntax errors, etc in DirectAdmin.
/var/log/messages (generic errors)
ProFTP Access Logs, ProFTP Auth Logs, PureFTPd Logs :
/var/log/messages (generic errors)
PureFTPd log file:
SMTP transfer logs :
Dovecot and vm-pop3d logs :
Mysql server logs :
Note: If MySQL slow query log is enabled in your my.cnf. Then the file location will be
Cron job logs :
Named (Bind) Logs are included in the generic log location :
Learn to read cronjob logs here.