Guide to login phpMyadmin on DirectAdmin server
In this guide, we will explain how to login phpMyAdmin on DirectAdmin server using screenshots for better understanding. We will also be showing how to create a Database and a User.
phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. You can perform frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) with this interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
Requirements to login phpMyAdmin on DirectAdmin server:
- DirectAdmin account.
- phpMyAdmin feature provided in the web control panel.
- A Database and user to access phpMyAdmin
You must have a database and a user to login phpMyAdmin from your DirectAdmin account
How to Create a Database and user in DirectAdmin server?
- Log in to your DirectAdmin account >> Account Manager section>> MySQL Management.
- Navigate and click on create new Database.
- Add the Database name and Database user of your choice >> Create Database.
You have now successfully created a database and a user to access in phpMyAdmin
Now we have a database and a user to access phpMyAdmin on our DirectAdmin server.
Procedure to login phpMyAdmin:
- Login to your DirectAdmin account >> Extra Features section >> phpMyAdmin
- You will be prompted for username/password. Enter your DirectAdmin login username and password to proceed to access all the databases in your account. You can also login using the specific Database User and Password as well as created in Step #3 above.
Now you have successfully logged into phpMyAdmin from your DirectAdmin account.
phpMyAdmin interface after login:
phpMyAdmin is the combined login for all Databases together and you can manage all your Databases from phpMyAdmin.
That’s it for this guide!
You can find more guides and tutorials for DirectAdmin by clicking here