[cPanel] The installation process detected that the server was in runlevel 5.

Category : cPanel/WHM

The server must be in runlevel 3 before the installation can continue.

This tutorial will help you in solving the above error which cPANEL installation by changing your OS runlevel 5 to runlevel 3.

#systemctl get-default 

Let’s check the current runlevel for our centos OS based server by running following command

#systemctl get-default

P.S : You might get multi-user.target but still continue with the guide to solve your issue.

We will now change the default runlevel to 3 (it’s a mutli.user.target)

#systemctl set-default multi-user.target

Now confirm the current default runlevel

# systemctl get-default 

Reboot and run the installation again

# reboot

You should be now able to complete the cPanel installation without the above error.